Ningxia Coal Industry MTP Revamp Project Enters Field Construction Stage


On Jun 4th, Ningxia Coal Industry Company officially announced to start its MTP process upgrading revamp project site leveling work, marking the project formal entry of field construction stage.


The project is to apply third generation Chinese DMTO process on Ningxia Coal two existing CTO units for upgrading revamp. A 3.6Mt/a methanol to olefins (DMTO-Ⅲ) plant to be newly built is the biggest unit currently under construction, other units would include 100kt/a ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer (EVA), 300kt/a low density polyethylene (LDPE) and 300kt/a high density polyethylene (HDPE).


CHN Energy Group Ningxia Coal Industry Company MTP process upgrading revamp project is a CNY11.8bn investment designed to save the use of 4.79Mt/a raw coal, 860kt/a coal equivalence, 100mnm3/a natural gas, and 2.20Mt/a CO2 emission. By the revamp project, propylene downstream product output would be cut down to increase ethylene downstream output, mainly to develop HDPE, LDPE and EVA products, which are conforming to the chemical product market trend. It can not only increase the discourse power of Ningxia Coal Industry on the differentiated coal chemical product market, but also improve the company’s coal chemical industry chain extension, make-up and intensifying ability, and help the company achieving high quality development.


ASIACHEM hosted POE, EVA & metallocene polyethylene forum is to be held on Jul 18th-19th 2024 in Zhoushan. The forum would explore and discuss energy chemical & ethylene industry chain policies against carbon peaking/carbon neutral background, high-end downstream product (polyolefins elastomer POE, EVA, metallocene polyethylene etc) market opportunity, new processes & new projects, competition force of different process routes etc.