Operational excellence delivers outstanding operation record


Air Productsenables Shenhua Xinjiang Chemical Company to improve production capacity of its gasification plant withstable and record high yields


The performance of Air Products coal slurry gasification technology was fully realized and achieved an outstanding operational excellent record by Shenhua Xinjiang Chemical Company (Shenhua Xinjiang).  Havingthe unit loading increased to 95m/h and the daily coal processing capacity reached 2,200 tons per train, a new record has been created on the operation for all gasifiers of its kind.  The plant has been operating safety and stably since then.


Shenhua Xinjiang has adoptedAir Products’ pressurized coal slurry gasification technology (former GE technology) for their gasifiers whichhas been operating successfully and smoothly since June 2016. Consideringthe uniqueness of Xinjiang province, eightgasifiers have been deployedasfivein operation and threestand-by.


To maximize the efficiency of the equipment, Air Products’ gasification technicians and Shenhua Xinjiang team workedcloselyto conduct a comprehensive study on the characteristics of feed coalto identify opportunities for improvement.  Based on the properties of the current feed coal used, Air Products team proposed multiple coal blending solutions with factors including,raw materialsreactivity, slurry ability and viscosity-temperature considered. In order to fully takethe unique high flexibility advantage of lower jet furnaceswitha single nozzle, Air Products team recommended to increase the loading of each gasifier and reduce the number of gasifiers in operation from five to four. The throughput for every single train has gradually increased for 25% to 2,200 tons per day while the plant is operating as normal under high load capacity.


To ensure the operational stability and minimize the influence caused by the change ofthe system,Air Products technicians and Shenhua Xinjiang gasifier management teamdeveloped a thorough deployment planto examine the on-siteconditionand equipment performance and strictly execute preventive maintenance procedureto ensure safe and stableoperation ata fullloading.

During the process ofincreasing the gasifier’s loading, the teamsalso collaboratedtightly tomonitor the key parameters of the gasifiersincluding temperature, liquid level and pressure. In order to obtain first-hand and accurate data, the teamsadjustedthe sampling and analysis frequency. Besides,a more stringent management ondata analysis, productivity and consumption statisticswasimplemented.The four gasifiers were proven to operate stablyafter a few hours’ performance test, and all process indexes met required standard, setting a record of 2,200 tons per day for a single 900cft gasifier. This excellent result with only fourgasifiers to meet the production demands of the whole planthasbeen consistently and safely delivered for 2 years till today.


Shenhua Xinjiang has achieve safe and stable operationof its plant at full load with only four gasifiers. The success has not only increased the gas production volume, but also the production loading capacity. It has also enabled the teamsto arrange their maintenance schedule more easily ensuring stable and high yield production, underpinningthe companyto achieve good returns.

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Ms Gao

Tel: +86-21-50329699-114

Cell: +86-18019142773

Email: gao@asiachem.org